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    The Grail Code: The Mystic Druidic Teachings of Jesus of Nazareth

    The Grail Code: The Mystic Druidic Teachings of Jesus of Nazareth

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      What advanced wisdom was Jesus passing on to his inner circle?

      In AD 35, two years after Jesus’ crucifixion, Christianity entered Britain with the founding of the Nazarene Church in AD 37. This was accepted by King Caractacus and the British Royal family, who were relations of Jesus. Joseph ha Rama Theo (James the Just) in his role of Decurio, (procurer of minerals) with a granddaughter married to the nephew of Caractacus, Apostle Simon Zelotes, and Astrolobus were all present in Britain around this time, linking Jesus to the Druidic Schools and the high culture of Britain and indicating Britain as a starting point for his mission.

      Christian O'Brien's translation of the Askew and Bruce Codices, 2nd-century-AD-Egyptian-Coptic copies of original documents, recording the spoken words of Jesus of Nazareth, presented within the text of The Path of Light, provide authoritative and detailed support of the existence and journeys of the soul. It also provides the scriptural evidence that Jesus taught Surat Shabd Yoga, and should be recognized as a Perfect Living Master in the Druidic and Oriental tradition.

      Following his attempt to restore good government through kingship and the Grail Code, Jesus was teaching the ancient druidic/oriental wisdom to his inner circle of chosen disciples after his Crucifixion, so that they could carry on his work following his Ascension. His words were recorded and witnessed by the disciple scribes Matthew, Philip and Thomas - the required process of authentication of important documents, under the Hebraic law of that time.

      Of the greatest importance to the future of religious harmony today is that this O'Brien secular translation of these source documents has established that Jesus was teaching Surat (soul) Shabd (word) Yoga (union) to his inner circle of disciples, which contained both men and women. This advanced teaching to both men and women was a feature of all high cultures in the ancient world centered on archaic Druidic philosophy and practice.

      Christian O’Brien was the one person who, before he died in 2001, mastered the translation skills required to understand the archaic Sumerian cuneiform writing.

      Edmund Marriage, founder of The Golden Age Project, will be presenting Christian O’Brien’s translations and interpretations of Jesus’ Grail Code teachings as discussed in O’Brien’s The Path of Light.

      Edmund Marriage is the Principal of the Patrick Foundation, an Independent Researcher with a background in Investment Management, Business and Land Management. He qualified as a Chartered Land Agent (CLAS)and as an Associate of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (ARICS) at the Royal Agricultural College Cirencester and Wye College, London University.

      His extensive historical research has revealed a single advanced, secular benevolent source for all religions. His Golden Age Project, inspired by the work of Christian and Barbara Joy O’Brien, promotes the recovery of past knowledge in order to resolve many of today's problems. He believes that re-establishing high standards of training and knowledge for all important roles, forms a priority in establishing good government and successful social organization and cohesion. Edmund’s Learning form History series of Presentations and Broadcasts attract an audience of over 100,000.

      The Golden Age Project | Learning From History Videos and Presentations

      The Path of Light by Christian and Barbara Joy O'Brien